ONE NIL IN EXTRA TIME: The City Council vs The City Council By Martin McGloin
Location:The Supreme Court of the State of New York Department Appellant Division Second Department. Monroe Place, Brooklyn, New York
On Thursday September 20th I took my first trip down to the Appellant division Supreme Court of the State of New York. The commute was mundane and the 4 train takes one just a block or so from the court house. The building may I add was historic and looked almost regal at the same time. I have been to court houses but this was the most salubrious yet. To tell the truth I'm surprised they did not invite me in for tea and crumpets.
When entering the court, one knew that one was in a special place, where the laws of the land were been discussed and argued and appealed. I digress. Interestingly enough most of the cases before the court were medical malpractice. I now know why medical expenses are so high. The premiums pay for lengthy lawsuits and not medical care, not to mention padding the insurance companies. The Appellant Division: Second Department was presided over by Judges Crane, Florio, Lifson and Carni., the panel for the day.
I was here to observe the calendar case # 18 The Matter of Annabi vs the City Council of the City of Yonkers, of which I am one of the plaintiffs. This case was about the changing of the super majority requirement to a simple majority vote by the City Council, in regards to the Ridge Hill Project, perhaps the most controversial project ever in the history of the City, or even the County.
First up on the left side facing the bench was Kevin Plunkett of the Law firm Profitt, Thacher Wood,as appellant representing the City of Yonkers and the City Council of the City of Yonkers. Mr. Plunkett pointed out the issue was Municipal Law 239 m. He argued that county law 277.61 superceeded municipal law 239m. Mr. Plunkett stated that the CountyâÂÂs own regulations pointed out that only certain projects required and warranted referral. Mr Plunkett stated that not every planning issue goes to the County. He pointed out that pages 476-9 of the county's own planning code require referral in only certain cases. By allowing this decision of Justice Colabella, Mr. Plunkett pointed out that this was an extension of Municipal Law 239, which was not the intention of the Law. On two occasions when referring to the Judge Colabella decision, Mr Plunkett repeatedly fumbled the ball. He referred to a Judge Nicolli and quickly corrected himself. Mr Plunkett stated the obvious in that the City Council on it's own motion brings this revision, the ultimate public hearing is at the polling booth". Does he disagree with term limits I thought silently to myself? I guess Mr Plunkett has never been to a public hearing in Yonkers, especially the RidgeHill ones. I cordially invite him to one.
At around noon, on the right side facing the Judges, Mr John Murtagh representing Smith, Buss Jacobs introduced himself . He stated as respondent he was in a unique roll, as counsel, plaintiff and city councilman. Before allowed to present his argument, Mr. Murtagh was questioned repeatedly by Judge Lifson, who did not appear to agree with the supermajority requirement. *Actually Mr. Murtagh was cross questioned on his argument much more than his opponent. John Murtagh pointed out that Yonkers was not unique in that 63 other municipalities, towns and villages in the state of New York had a supermajority law requirement on their books. It was pointed out that the City had changed and revised it's zoning code in 2000, and could have changed the supermajority vote requirement then, but did not. The fact that the land effected, the RidgeHill site, off route 87 in Yonkers abutted Westchester County land and a county highway afforded them the opportunity to issue a negative declaration on the project. It was pointed out that this triggered the supermajority requirement. Then an election retired the sitting council president Mr. Richard Martinelli as he lost his seat. The 4-3 vote happened without a public hearing and the rest is history as to how this case proceeded. As a closing remark it was pointed out by Mr Murtagh that the goalposts were moved to rubber stamp this Forest City Ratner project and hence the public hearing requirement never met and that was one reason why the case was before this appellant court.
Quite an interesting experience for me in my first visit to this court. I would concur with Mr. Murtagh that it was 1-1 on the case with 2 not decided yet, and I wait patiently for the courts decision, despite the fact that Judge Nicholas Colabella has already ruled in our favor in April of 2006. So we are one nil in extra time. Surprisingly the City of Yonkers has continued with this appeal at the taxpayers expense, something which appears moot as the project was re-voted in July 2006 by a 5-2 supermajority of the City Council.
*(The City of Yonkers, requires a supermajority vote of 5-2 , by the City Council when the County of Westchester planning board declares a project to negatively impact the county. I would argue that this is a good thing as it is a real check and balance on City Government.)
Martin McGloin is a co-founder of Community First Development Coalition. It was founded in 2005 to provide accurate information about development projects in the City of Yonkers. For more info go to
Published in this weeks Westchester Times Tribune
Community First! Development Coalition was established in April 2005 as a collaborative support network of Yonkers civic leaders, neighborhood associations and community groups from throughout the city facing common concerns about economic redevelopment. By sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other, Yonkers residents have begun to forge alliances around common interests that strengthen our ability to shape the future of our city.
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Board of Contract and Supply Meeting Today at 10:30am
Board of Contract and Supply Meetings
Mayor's Reception Room, City Hall
40 S Broadway Room 102
Yonkers, New York 10701
Monthly meeting of the City's Board of Contract and Supply.
No Agenda Available At Time Of Posting
Mayor's Reception Room, City Hall
40 S Broadway Room 102
Yonkers, New York 10701
Monthly meeting of the City's Board of Contract and Supply.
No Agenda Available At Time Of Posting
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Regular City Council Meeting Tonight at 8:00pm
YONKERS, New York 10701
Agenda is at
YONKERS, New York 10701
Agenda is at
Monday, September 24, 2007
Municipal Operations Committee Meeting Tonight. Law amending Flood Definitions on the Agenda
Please be advised that I have scheduled a for Monday, September 24, 2007 at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall. The following item/s will be on the agenda:
1. Review of Local Law amending Article XII of Chapter 56 of the COY Code in regard to flood erosion and sediment control and floodway and floodway fringe area control, respectively, for the purpose of bringing such laws into compliance with the regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
2. And any other item/s that may properly come before this committee.
By copy of this memo the Administration is requested to provide Counsel from Corporation Counsel and a representative from our Engineering Department. In addition to having the meeting televised.
Dee Barbato
Chairman, Municipal Operations, Council Member, District Six,914-377-6316
1. Review of Local Law amending Article XII of Chapter 56 of the COY Code in regard to flood erosion and sediment control and floodway and floodway fringe area control, respectively, for the purpose of bringing such laws into compliance with the regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
2. And any other item/s that may properly come before this committee.
By copy of this memo the Administration is requested to provide Counsel from Corporation Counsel and a representative from our Engineering Department. In addition to having the meeting televised.
Dee Barbato
Chairman, Municipal Operations, Council Member, District Six,914-377-6316
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Where's Our House?
Source: New York Times Thursday September 20th 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
River Communities Coalition of Yonkers: OUTRAGEOUS
River Communities Coalition of Yonkers
With no further comment from the public permitted the Yonkers Planning Board gave GDC the all clear last night on their 'Riverclub' proposal for 353 units at 1111 Warburton Ave.
Accepting the developer's position that Westchester County is responsible for restoration of the Greystone Wetlands, and that the wetlands would cleanse themselves of the toxins dumped upon them in the May 2007 sludgeslide, the Planning Board in a rare split decision ruled that the changes in our area did not warrant a new Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Despite being denied an official forum to voice their opinion many of the community residents in attendance proceeded to express their outrage. One off-the-record response from a credible high ranking official made it clear that the public's health, safety and welfare would continue to be subordinate to large campaign contributing developer's until there is a regime change at City Hall.
RCCY's legal counsel has already advised us of the time frame for filing suit against the Planning Board's decision and we'll be using this window to fine tune our legal strategy.
While that is being done it is imperative that you contact the Mayor and your Councilmember to:
Express your outrage that approvals were given to 1111 Warburton Ave without any update of the EIS or restoration of the wetlands
Urge them to down-zone Warburton Ave to garden apartments now
Encourage adoption of steep slope and zero run-off protections
Mayor Phil Amicone - 914-377-6300
City Council President Chuck Lesnick - 914-377-6060
Councilmember Patricia McDow - 914-377-6311
covers the west side (river side) of Warburton Ave - including 1085 & 1155 Warburton
Councilmember Dennis Robertson - 914-377-6313
covers the east side of Warburton Ave-including 1020, 1080, 1116-20 & 1200 Warburton
as well as Odell Ave, Hawley Terrace and Nepera Park/Grey Oaks
Councilmember Dee Barbato - 914-377-6316
covers 1 David Lane as well as part of Nepera Park/Grey Oaks
River Communities Coalition of Yonkers
With no further comment from the public permitted the Yonkers Planning Board gave GDC the all clear last night on their 'Riverclub' proposal for 353 units at 1111 Warburton Ave.
Accepting the developer's position that Westchester County is responsible for restoration of the Greystone Wetlands, and that the wetlands would cleanse themselves of the toxins dumped upon them in the May 2007 sludgeslide, the Planning Board in a rare split decision ruled that the changes in our area did not warrant a new Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Despite being denied an official forum to voice their opinion many of the community residents in attendance proceeded to express their outrage. One off-the-record response from a credible high ranking official made it clear that the public's health, safety and welfare would continue to be subordinate to large campaign contributing developer's until there is a regime change at City Hall.
RCCY's legal counsel has already advised us of the time frame for filing suit against the Planning Board's decision and we'll be using this window to fine tune our legal strategy.
While that is being done it is imperative that you contact the Mayor and your Councilmember to:
Express your outrage that approvals were given to 1111 Warburton Ave without any update of the EIS or restoration of the wetlands
Urge them to down-zone Warburton Ave to garden apartments now
Encourage adoption of steep slope and zero run-off protections
Mayor Phil Amicone - 914-377-6300
City Council President Chuck Lesnick - 914-377-6060
Councilmember Patricia McDow - 914-377-6311
covers the west side (river side) of Warburton Ave - including 1085 & 1155 Warburton
Councilmember Dennis Robertson - 914-377-6313
covers the east side of Warburton Ave-including 1020, 1080, 1116-20 & 1200 Warburton
as well as Odell Ave, Hawley Terrace and Nepera Park/Grey Oaks
Councilmember Dee Barbato - 914-377-6316
covers 1 David Lane as well as part of Nepera Park/Grey Oaks
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Where have all the Development Taxes Gone in White Plains?
Editor's Note
I Love Delfino's Quid Pro Quo
"First, the home-rule message," said Delfino, a Republican. "Then we'll get the information to Assemblyman Bradley."
Editor's Note
I Love Delfino's Quid Pro Quo
"First, the home-rule message," said Delfino, a Republican. "Then we'll get the information to Assemblyman Bradley."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting at 6:00pm September 20th
Zoning Board of Appeals
9/20/2007 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
City Hall--4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: A Public Hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Yonkers on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. sharp, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Yonkers, New York (building is accessible to the handicapped), on applications for Appeals from the Building Commissioner's decisions and applications for Variances under the provisions of G.O. # 4-2000, as amended:
# 5045 –Use & Area Variance & Appeal of an Interpretation of the Commissioner of Buildings of the Use Variance Requirement – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of K’Hal Adath Jeshurum (owner), on premises known as 222 Grandview Blvd. Block: 4600 Lot: 1, Zone: “S-100”.
# 5048 – Area Variance & Improvement /Intensification of a Non-Conforming Use – Hal B. Greenwald, Esq. on behalf of Ronald Harrington (owner), on premises known as 18 Orchard Street, Block: 2076 Lot: 19, Zone: “CM
# 5033 – Area Variance – Andrew J. Balint, Esq. on behalf of B & N Apex Corp. (owner), to re-establish the use as a service station/ convenience store & 4 proposed pump islands situated under a canopy. Whereas, gasoline pumps to be 20’ minimum from any property line (16.3’ & 17’ +/- proposed). Show compliance with Section 43-75A, on premises known as 1051 aka 1065 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 6328 Lot: 49, Zone: “B”.
# 5051 – Area Variance – David Robak, R.A. on behalf of Juan Ruiz (owner), to construct a 2-car parking space in the front yard of an existing 1-family dwelling. Whereas; parking within the minimum front yard not permitted, as per Section 43-56. Parking space to be 8’-6” wide & 18’-0 length, as per Section 43-143(9); proposed 7.4’ x 16.5’. And exceeding the maximum height of a retaining wall in the minimum front yard (required 4’; proposed 9.5’) Section 43-41(D),on premises known as 186 Sedgewick Avenue, Block: 74 Lot: 53, Zone: “T”.
# 5053 – Area Variance – James Veneruso, Esq. on behalf of Greyston Foundation, Inc. (owner), to construct a new residential/retail structure with 108 units. Exceeding maximum permitted lot coverage, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 90%; proposed 97.2%). Exceeding maximum permitted floor area ratio, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 5.00; proposed 8.70). Exceeding maximum permitted height, Section 43-27, table 43-3 (required 50’; proposed 149’-9” +/-). Insufficient parking, Section 43-128 & Table 43-4 (required 187 spaces; proposed 147 spaces). And insufficient number of off-street loading spaces per Section 43-128, Table 54-5 (required 2; proposed 1), on premises known as 54 aka 56 Warburton Avenue, Block: 2017, Lot: 24, Zone: “CBD”.
# 4857-A – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Musa Sumreen (owner), to apportion property into 2 lots, one improved by a 1-family dwelling, and the other a proposed 1-family dwelling. Whereas, the new proposed building would have insufficient rear yard (required 25’; proposed 12’). And insufficient front yard (required 29.95’ (average alignment); proposed 25’), as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 & 43-33.J.2), on premises known as 61 Cresthill Road, Block: 4600 Lot: 255, Zone: “S-75”.
# 5019 – Area Variance –James Veneruso, Esq. on behalf of Remy Yonkers Property Corp. (owner), to construct a new 10-story mixed use building. Exceeding maximum permitted F.A.R. per Section 43-33N(3) (3.2 required; 3.36 proposed). Insufficient side yard, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 16’; proposed 0’+/-) (residential lobby). Insufficient rear yard, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 25’; proposed 0’+/-) (commercial storage space). Insufficient front yard, Section 43-54, Table 43-3 (required 10’; proposed 0’+/-) (commercial space). Insufficient parking, Section 43-128 and Table 43-4, (required 210 spaces; proposed 125 spaces). Parking within the minimum front yard not permitted, Section 43-133A(3). Parking within the minimum side yard not permitted, Section 43-133A(3). Parking within 10’ of building not permitted per Section 43-44B(5) (proposed 5’ & 0’). Parking within 5’ of property line not permitted per Section 43-44B(5) (3’+/- & 0’+/- proposed). Parking space required to be 8’-6” wide x 18’-0” length, proposed 8’ wide x 18’ length for 5 spaces, on premises known as 303-307 South Broadway, Block: 161 Lot: 15,17,19, Zone: “BA”.
# 5049 – Area Variance – Ersilia Laurino on behalf of herself (owner), to convert an existing 1-family into a 2-family dwelling. Having insufficient lot area per family, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 2,500 sq.ft.; proposed 2,291.5 sq.ft). Insufficient lot width, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 50ft.; existing 45.83ft). And insufficient side yards, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 4.48’/13.96’; proposed 3.67’/12.42’), on premises known as 811 Mile Square Road, Block: 6093 Lot: 11, Zone: “T”.
# 5056- Area Variance – Frank Coppola, Esq. on behalf of Samer Marji (owner), to convert existing vacant retail space into a Martial Arts School. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128, Table 43-4 (required 12 spaces; proposed 0), on premises known as 301 Saw Mill River Road, Block: 2410 Lot: 97, Zone: “I”.
# 5057 –Withdrawn
# 5058 – Use & Area Variance – Cuddy & Feder LLP on behalf of Casco Bay Realty Ltd. Partnership (owner) & New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (lessee), to co-locate a wireless facility on the rooftop of the existing building & associated equipment cabinets on the mezzanine level. Whereas, the proposed use is not permitted, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-1. Exceeding maximum permitted height, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 112.5’+/-; proposed 126’ +/-), on premises known as 230 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 405 Lot: 100, Zone: “BA”.
# 5059 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of N. James Sayegh M.D. (owner), to convert an existing vacant professional office building into a 6-family multiple dwelling. Having insufficient lot width, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 100’; proposed 90’), on premises known as 381 aka 385 Palisade Avenue, Block: 2159 Lot: 47, Zone: “MG”.
# 5060 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of George Samaras (owner), to convert existing space into a check cashing store. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128, Table 4 (required 5; proposed 2), on premises known as 243 New Main Street, Block Lot: 492 Lot: 11, Zone: “CM”.
# 5061 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Dean & Vicki Tatarian (owners), to construct a 2nd floor addition, containing a master bedroom & bathroom. Having insufficient rear yard, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 25’; proposed 20.29’), on premises known as 3 Byrd Place aka 50 Helena Avenue, Block: 4617, Lot: 15, Zone: “S-50”.
# 5062 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Leonidas Vlahopoulos (owner), alterations to convert retail space to a restaurant with outdoor dining. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128 & Table 43-4 (required 12 for restaurant + 4 outdoor dining = 16 total; proposed – none), on premises known as 22 aka 24 Main Street, Block: 500 Lot: 3, Zone: “CBD”.
9/20/2007 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
City Hall--4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: A Public Hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Yonkers on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. sharp, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Yonkers, New York (building is accessible to the handicapped), on applications for Appeals from the Building Commissioner's decisions and applications for Variances under the provisions of G.O. # 4-2000, as amended:
# 5045 –Use & Area Variance & Appeal of an Interpretation of the Commissioner of Buildings of the Use Variance Requirement – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of K’Hal Adath Jeshurum (owner), on premises known as 222 Grandview Blvd. Block: 4600 Lot: 1, Zone: “S-100”.
# 5048 – Area Variance & Improvement /Intensification of a Non-Conforming Use – Hal B. Greenwald, Esq. on behalf of Ronald Harrington (owner), on premises known as 18 Orchard Street, Block: 2076 Lot: 19, Zone: “CM
# 5033 – Area Variance – Andrew J. Balint, Esq. on behalf of B & N Apex Corp. (owner), to re-establish the use as a service station/ convenience store & 4 proposed pump islands situated under a canopy. Whereas, gasoline pumps to be 20’ minimum from any property line (16.3’ & 17’ +/- proposed). Show compliance with Section 43-75A, on premises known as 1051 aka 1065 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 6328 Lot: 49, Zone: “B”.
# 5051 – Area Variance – David Robak, R.A. on behalf of Juan Ruiz (owner), to construct a 2-car parking space in the front yard of an existing 1-family dwelling. Whereas; parking within the minimum front yard not permitted, as per Section 43-56. Parking space to be 8’-6” wide & 18’-0 length, as per Section 43-143(9); proposed 7.4’ x 16.5’. And exceeding the maximum height of a retaining wall in the minimum front yard (required 4’; proposed 9.5’) Section 43-41(D),on premises known as 186 Sedgewick Avenue, Block: 74 Lot: 53, Zone: “T”.
# 5053 – Area Variance – James Veneruso, Esq. on behalf of Greyston Foundation, Inc. (owner), to construct a new residential/retail structure with 108 units. Exceeding maximum permitted lot coverage, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 90%; proposed 97.2%). Exceeding maximum permitted floor area ratio, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 5.00; proposed 8.70). Exceeding maximum permitted height, Section 43-27, table 43-3 (required 50’; proposed 149’-9” +/-). Insufficient parking, Section 43-128 & Table 43-4 (required 187 spaces; proposed 147 spaces). And insufficient number of off-street loading spaces per Section 43-128, Table 54-5 (required 2; proposed 1), on premises known as 54 aka 56 Warburton Avenue, Block: 2017, Lot: 24, Zone: “CBD”.
# 4857-A – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Musa Sumreen (owner), to apportion property into 2 lots, one improved by a 1-family dwelling, and the other a proposed 1-family dwelling. Whereas, the new proposed building would have insufficient rear yard (required 25’; proposed 12’). And insufficient front yard (required 29.95’ (average alignment); proposed 25’), as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 & 43-33.J.2), on premises known as 61 Cresthill Road, Block: 4600 Lot: 255, Zone: “S-75”.
# 5019 – Area Variance –James Veneruso, Esq. on behalf of Remy Yonkers Property Corp. (owner), to construct a new 10-story mixed use building. Exceeding maximum permitted F.A.R. per Section 43-33N(3) (3.2 required; 3.36 proposed). Insufficient side yard, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 16’; proposed 0’+/-) (residential lobby). Insufficient rear yard, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 25’; proposed 0’+/-) (commercial storage space). Insufficient front yard, Section 43-54, Table 43-3 (required 10’; proposed 0’+/-) (commercial space). Insufficient parking, Section 43-128 and Table 43-4, (required 210 spaces; proposed 125 spaces). Parking within the minimum front yard not permitted, Section 43-133A(3). Parking within the minimum side yard not permitted, Section 43-133A(3). Parking within 10’ of building not permitted per Section 43-44B(5) (proposed 5’ & 0’). Parking within 5’ of property line not permitted per Section 43-44B(5) (3’+/- & 0’+/- proposed). Parking space required to be 8’-6” wide x 18’-0” length, proposed 8’ wide x 18’ length for 5 spaces, on premises known as 303-307 South Broadway, Block: 161 Lot: 15,17,19, Zone: “BA”.
# 5049 – Area Variance – Ersilia Laurino on behalf of herself (owner), to convert an existing 1-family into a 2-family dwelling. Having insufficient lot area per family, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 2,500 sq.ft.; proposed 2,291.5 sq.ft). Insufficient lot width, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 50ft.; existing 45.83ft). And insufficient side yards, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 4.48’/13.96’; proposed 3.67’/12.42’), on premises known as 811 Mile Square Road, Block: 6093 Lot: 11, Zone: “T”.
# 5056- Area Variance – Frank Coppola, Esq. on behalf of Samer Marji (owner), to convert existing vacant retail space into a Martial Arts School. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128, Table 43-4 (required 12 spaces; proposed 0), on premises known as 301 Saw Mill River Road, Block: 2410 Lot: 97, Zone: “I”.
# 5057 –Withdrawn
# 5058 – Use & Area Variance – Cuddy & Feder LLP on behalf of Casco Bay Realty Ltd. Partnership (owner) & New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (lessee), to co-locate a wireless facility on the rooftop of the existing building & associated equipment cabinets on the mezzanine level. Whereas, the proposed use is not permitted, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-1. Exceeding maximum permitted height, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 112.5’+/-; proposed 126’ +/-), on premises known as 230 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 405 Lot: 100, Zone: “BA”.
# 5059 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of N. James Sayegh M.D. (owner), to convert an existing vacant professional office building into a 6-family multiple dwelling. Having insufficient lot width, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 100’; proposed 90’), on premises known as 381 aka 385 Palisade Avenue, Block: 2159 Lot: 47, Zone: “MG”.
# 5060 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of George Samaras (owner), to convert existing space into a check cashing store. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128, Table 4 (required 5; proposed 2), on premises known as 243 New Main Street, Block Lot: 492 Lot: 11, Zone: “CM”.
# 5061 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Dean & Vicki Tatarian (owners), to construct a 2nd floor addition, containing a master bedroom & bathroom. Having insufficient rear yard, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 25’; proposed 20.29’), on premises known as 3 Byrd Place aka 50 Helena Avenue, Block: 4617, Lot: 15, Zone: “S-50”.
# 5062 – Area Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of Leonidas Vlahopoulos (owner), alterations to convert retail space to a restaurant with outdoor dining. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-128 & Table 43-4 (required 12 for restaurant + 4 outdoor dining = 16 total; proposed – none), on premises known as 22 aka 24 Main Street, Block: 500 Lot: 3, Zone: “CBD”.
Public Hearing: Permits for Con Edison Tonight at 7:30pm Yonkers City Council Chambers
Public Hearing 7:00pm Tonight Yonkers City Council Chambers
Public Hearing
General Ordinance
Date: 9/19/2007 7:00 PM
Yonkers City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
On Wednesday, September 19th, there is a public hearing scheduled for
7 p.m. on the General Ordinance for the Planned Commercial Development (Proto Realty).
General Ordinance
Date: 9/19/2007 7:00 PM
Yonkers City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
On Wednesday, September 19th, there is a public hearing scheduled for
7 p.m. on the General Ordinance for the Planned Commercial Development (Proto Realty).
Regular Planning Board Meeting Tonight at 5:30pm
Planning Board Meeting
Date: 9/19/2007 5:30 PM
City Hall - City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
Date: 9/19/2007 5:30 PM
City Hall - City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
City Council - Education Committee
Date: 9/19/2007 8:00 PM
City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Please be advised there will be an Education Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 19 at 8:00pm in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Fourth Floor.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 – 8:00 P.M.
1. Review and Discussion on the topic of Continued Adult Education Program
2. Food Allergy First-Aid Program in schools
3. Update on School Funding
4. All other business properly coming before the Committee.
Date: 9/19/2007 8:00 PM
City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Please be advised there will be an Education Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 19 at 8:00pm in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Fourth Floor.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 – 8:00 P.M.
1. Review and Discussion on the topic of Continued Adult Education Program
2. Food Allergy First-Aid Program in schools
3. Update on School Funding
4. All other business properly coming before the Committee.
Rules Committee Meeting Tonight at 6:30pm
City Council - Rules Committee
Date: 9/19/2007 6:30 PM
Location: Council Conference Room
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Date: 9/19/2007 6:30 PM
Location: Council Conference Room
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Community Services Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 5pm.
City Council - Community Services Committee
Date: 9/19/2007 5:00 PM
Council Conference Room
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Community Services Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 5pm.
Date: 9/19/2007 5:00 PM
Council Conference Room
40 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
Community Services Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 5pm.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Anyone For Tennis? More Land Swap Stories from Yonkers


Images Courtsey
For More Info go to


Images Courtsey
For More Info go to
Monday, September 10, 2007
Public Hearing Tonight at 8:00pm for the RESTORE NY GRANT
Public Hearing
Date: 9/10/2007 8:00 PM
Location: Yonkers City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
Add to my Outlook Calendar
A Public Hearing on a proposed application for funding under the RESTORE NY Communities Initiative Municipal Grant Program will be held on September 10, 2007 at 8 pm in the Council Chambers, 40 South Broadway.
The purpose of the RESTORE NY program is to help municipalities in funding municipally-sponsored projects for Demolition, deconstruction, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of vacant or obsolete structures. The City of Yonkers is seeking funding to assist in the implementation of the proposed master and urban renewal plans and the HOPE VI project (located primarily at the Mulford Gardens Housing Project) and along the Ashburton Avenue corridor.
The proposed grant application is available for viewing and a copy may be obtained in the Office of Economic Development, Yonkers City Hall, room 414, 40 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701.
Date: 9/10/2007 8:00 PM
Location: Yonkers City Council Chambers
40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
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A Public Hearing on a proposed application for funding under the RESTORE NY Communities Initiative Municipal Grant Program will be held on September 10, 2007 at 8 pm in the Council Chambers, 40 South Broadway.
The purpose of the RESTORE NY program is to help municipalities in funding municipally-sponsored projects for Demolition, deconstruction, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of vacant or obsolete structures. The City of Yonkers is seeking funding to assist in the implementation of the proposed master and urban renewal plans and the HOPE VI project (located primarily at the Mulford Gardens Housing Project) and along the Ashburton Avenue corridor.
The proposed grant application is available for viewing and a copy may be obtained in the Office of Economic Development, Yonkers City Hall, room 414, 40 South Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701.
At Time of Posting The City Council Agenda is Not Available on the City Website
The CITY COUNCIL regularly scheduled meeting begins at 7:30 pm with the "Committee of the Whole" for public comment on agenda items, followed by a PUBLIC HEARING at 8:00 pm and the Council meeting. The COUNCIL AGENDA for tonight is not yet available on the City website.
Municipal Operations Committee Meeting for Monday, September 10, 2007 at 6:15pm
Municipal Operations Committee Meeting for Monday, September 10, 2007 at 6:15pm in the City Council Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall.
The following item/s will be on the agenda:
1. Review of Local Law amending Article XII of Chapter 56 of the COY Code in regard to flood erosion and sediment control and floodway and floodway fringe area control, respectively, for the purpose of bringing such laws into compliance with the regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
2. And any other item/s that may properly come before this committee.
The following item/s will be on the agenda:
1. Review of Local Law amending Article XII of Chapter 56 of the COY Code in regard to flood erosion and sediment control and floodway and floodway fringe area control, respectively, for the purpose of bringing such laws into compliance with the regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
2. And any other item/s that may properly come before this committee.
Community Services Committee Meeting Tonight at 5:30pm
There will be a Community Services Committee Meeting on Monday, September 10, 2007 at 5:30pm.
he agenda for this meeting will include the following:
1. Taxi & Livery legislation
2. Detention Officer legislation
3. Other items submitted for committee consideration
he agenda for this meeting will include the following:
1. Taxi & Livery legislation
2. Detention Officer legislation
3. Other items submitted for committee consideration
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Mansion May Be Preserved at 575 North Broadway, Yonkers
An Application to Landmark this Building will be on the Landmarks Board Agenda Tonight:
Landmarks Preservation Board
Date: 9/5/2007 7:00 PM
Location: Ceremonial Court Room
City Hall - 4th Floor
An Application to Landmark this Building will be on the Landmarks Board Agenda Tonight:
Landmarks Preservation Board
Date: 9/5/2007 7:00 PM
Location: Ceremonial Court Room
City Hall - 4th Floor
McMansion Meeting Tomorrow Night at 7:30pm
McMansion Task Force Meeting
Date: 9/6/2007 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Mayor's Reception Room
City Hall - 2nd Floor
*Please note the time change of this meeting to 7:30 PM.
Summary of Meeting Agenda:
Consultant Nicole Ogg will provide a 'Proposed Action' outline which addresses six (6) areas of concern that have been discussed at previous meetings.
A list of 'Potential Actions' which would require further study will also be reviewed (should the Task Force desire to expand its mission).
Besides a review of this material, this meeting will direct the Task Force to set its agendas for subsequent meetings to discuss and finalize each of the 'Proposed Actions', with potential recommendations of changes to our Zoning Code as well as the city's administrative code if deemed necessary to fulfill our mission.
Date: 9/6/2007 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Mayor's Reception Room
City Hall - 2nd Floor
*Please note the time change of this meeting to 7:30 PM.
Summary of Meeting Agenda:
Consultant Nicole Ogg will provide a 'Proposed Action' outline which addresses six (6) areas of concern that have been discussed at previous meetings.
A list of 'Potential Actions' which would require further study will also be reviewed (should the Task Force desire to expand its mission).
Besides a review of this material, this meeting will direct the Task Force to set its agendas for subsequent meetings to discuss and finalize each of the 'Proposed Actions', with potential recommendations of changes to our Zoning Code as well as the city's administrative code if deemed necessary to fulfill our mission.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
City Council Meetings Tonight: Starting at 6:30
City Council - Rules Committee 6:30pm
Municipal Operations Committee 7:00pm
Real Estate Committee 7:30pm
Public Hearing 8:00pm
Amending City Code Ch. 43 (Planned Neighborhood Commercial Development)
Date: 9/4/2007 8:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers, 4th Floor
City Hall, 40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law, that, the City Council of the City of Yonkers, New York will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall, Yonkers, New York on the following GENERAL ORDINANCE to wit:
Dated: July 30, 2007
Municipal Operations Committee 7:00pm
Real Estate Committee 7:30pm
Public Hearing 8:00pm
Amending City Code Ch. 43 (Planned Neighborhood Commercial Development)
Date: 9/4/2007 8:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers, 4th Floor
City Hall, 40 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York 10701
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law, that, the City Council of the City of Yonkers, New York will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall, Yonkers, New York on the following GENERAL ORDINANCE to wit:
Dated: July 30, 2007
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