Minutes of the Yonkers Empire Zone Administrative Board Meeting
May 31, 2006
Present- Board Members
Honorable Philip A. Amicone, City of Yonkers Mayor – The Chairman
Honorable Charles Lesnick, City of Yonkers Council President, Vice-Chairman
Frank J. Rubino, City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel
Louis (Skip) Caloia
Augustine (Guss) Hayes
Julius Walls, Jr.
Non-Members Present
Marty Peterson, Zone Certifying Officer
James LaPerche, City of Yonkers Finance Commissioner
William Regan, City of Yonkers Deputy Mayor
Louis Kirven III, Esq., Director Business Development, Empire State Economic Development Corporation
Christine Sculti, Regional Director-Mid Hudson Region, Empire State Economic Development Corporation
Shawn Griffin, Esq., Partner, Harris Beach LLP
Barbara Gordon Espejo, City of Yonkers Special Counsel
Rocky Richards, City of Yonkers Council President Office, Chief of Staff
Thomas Cathcart, City of Yonkers Assistant Corporation Counsel
Richard Heichel, City of Yonkers Economic Development Program Assistant
Mary Alice Brady, City of Yonkers Zone Coordinator
Helen Tvedt, Assistant Director Economic Development
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 11:41pm and the roll call was taken.
Six members were present.
Minutes of November 30, 2005 meeting
The Chairman introduced the minutes from the November 30, 2005 meeting.
Mr. Rubino motioned to accept the minutes. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion. The vote on the motion:
Approved 5-0
Resolution for Empire Zone Application for Certification
The Chairman reported that we were requested by the Governor to assist in extending benefits of the Empire Zone program to Bayer Health Care LLC as a “regionally significant project” to prevent the State from losing the company to Connecticut and losing 750 New York State jobs; and by supporting the application from Bayer, potentially 100 new jobs would be created to staff a new research division Greenburgh, N.Y, twenty-two of which would be Yonkers residents. . In addition, by designating a company as a “regionally significant project” the Yonkers Empire Zone does not lose any benefits or acreage. By resolution adoptedon November 30, 2005, this Board approved submitting the application of Bayer Health Care LLC to the City Council as a “regionally significant project” in the Yonkers Empire Zone, which became effective as of February 22, 2006. The Chairman informed the Board that on April 25, 2006, Empire State Development Corporation (“ESDC”) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Charles A. Gargano notified us that Bayer Health Care LLC-Diagnostics and Bayer Health Care LLC-Diabetes Care was now eligible to apply for Empire Zone certification. The Chairmen then requested that the Board vote on the application for certification for Bayer Health Care LLC. Mr. Lesnick motioned to accept the Resolution for Application for Certification. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion. The vote on the motion:
Approved 6-0
The Chairman stated “for the record” that the Town Supervisor of Greenburgh still has not thanked us for doing this for the town of Greenburgh.
Mr. Kirven concluded the matter by informing the Board that the Yonkers Empire Zone could extend its benefits anywhere in Westchester County as a regionally significant projectMr. Kirven and Ms. Sculti thanked the Board, on behalf of ESDC , for the support of the regionally significant project.
Other Business
The Board’s By-Laws were distributed to Board members.
Mary Alice Brady explained that since the legislation for the Empire Zones program was amended in April 2005, the Board is required tovote on all applications for certifications .. Board-approved applications for certificate have either passed the 15/1 benchmark cost benefit analysis or a justification has been provided. At the last Board meeting, November 30, 2005, approximately 15-20 applications were presented to this Board. Mr. Lesnick stated that it was his first Board meeting and a lot has changed since he worked with the program several years ago..
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 12:15pm by Mr. Lesnick and seconded by Mr. Rubino. The vote on the motion:
Approved 6-0