Some of you may not be receiving notices of these meetings from the City Clerks Office as they have had a problem for over 2 months now notifying the public. If you are on the e-mail list and are not getting meeting notices please contact the City Clerks Office.
The following is the agenda for the Real Estate Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2007:
1. General Ordinance – amending Chapter 43 of the Code of the City of Yonkers , also known as the Zoning Code of the City of Yonkers by adding a section “Planned Neighborhood commercial development.
2. Special Ordinance – Permission for long house sewer connection in 84 Plymounth Avenue (No expense to City).
3. Resolution authorizing issuance of determination of significance pursuant to SEQRA relating to amendment of City Map of City of Yonkers regarding Fremont Street.
4. Special Ordinance discontinuing Fremont Street as a public street.
5. Resolution authorizing issuance of determination of significance pursuant to SEQRA relating to amendment of City Map of City of Yonkers regarding Stone Avenue.
6. Special Ordinance discontinuing a portion of Stone Avenue as a public street.
7. Xavier’s Restaurant Status Report per Memo from Deputy Corporation Joseph Madden.
8. Annabi – Resolution regarding complaints from tenants at Parkledge Apartment, 220-250 Yonkers Avenue per Memo from Deputy Corporation Counsel Joseph Madden.
9. Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee.