Image Copyright Martin McGloin 2009
Zoning Board of Appeals
1/20/2009 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
City Hall-4th Floor
Yonkers, New York 10701
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: A Public Hearing will be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Yonkers on TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2009, at 6:00 P.M. sharp, in the City Council Chambers, Yonkers, New York (building is accessible to the handicapped), on applications for Appeals from the Building Commissioner's decisions and applications for Variances under the provisions of G.O. # 4-2000, as amended:
# 5033 – Area Variance – Andrew J. Balint, Esq. on behalf of B & N Apex Corp. (owner), to re-establish the use as a service station/ convenience store & 4 proposed pump islands situated under a canopy. Whereas, gasoline pumps to be 20’ minimum from any property line (16.3’ & 17’ +/- proposed). Show compliance with Section 43-75A, on premises known as 1051 aka 1065 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 6328 Lot: 49, Zone: “B”.
# 5073 – Appeal from an Interpretation by the Commissioner of Buildings – Kieran P. Holohan Esq. on behalf of Dr. Ronald J. Volino (applicant), Appeal from an Interpretation by the Commissioner of Buildings, on premises know as 1051 aka 1065 Yonkers Avenue, Block: 6328 Lot: 49, Zone: “B”.
# 5142 – Use Variance – Andrew Romano, Esq. on behalf of B & A HQ LLC (owner), interior alterations to convert a Doctor’s office into a Real Estate Management office. Whereas, approval of Zoning Board of Appeals required per ZBA conditions from case # 4318, on premises known as 15 Kimball Avenue, Block: 6232 Lot: 1, Zone” T”.
# 5139 – Area Variance - Andrew Romano, Esq on behalf of Faye Marji (owner), to legalize the conversion of 3-family into a 4-family dwelling. Having insufficient parking, as per Section 43-127, Table 43-4 (required 2 spaces; provided 0 spaces). Exceeding maximum permitted FAR, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 1.25’; proposed 1.42’). And insufficient lot area per family, as per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 800 sq.ft.; provided 625 sq.ft.), on premises known as 42 Burhans Avenue, Block: 2366 Lot: 1, Zone: “M”.
# 5144 – Area Variance – Miguel A. Sostre, Architect on behalf of James Seyegh (owner),to convert the existing vacant structure into a 5-family multiple dwelling. Having insufficient lot width, Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 100’; proposed 90”0. Insufficient side yard/total side yard, per Section 43-27, Table 43-3 (required 25’/50’; proposed 12.3’/33.9’+/-), on premises known as 381 aka 385 Palisade Avenue, Block: 2159 Lot: 47, Zone: “MG”.
# 5145 – Intensification of a Non-Conforming Use – James G. Dibbini, Esq. on behalf of Delano Realty Group (owner), to reapportion property with an existing apartment building, for the proposed construction of a 2-family dwelling. Whereas, the intensification of a non-conforming use is not permitted (reducing the area of the lot for the multiple dwelling) as per Section 43-21.B.1.), on premises known as 31 Harding Avenue, Block: 6230 Lot: 1, Zone: “T”.
# 5146 – Area Variance Veneruso, Curto, Schwartz & Curto LLP, on behalf of R & F Scarsdale, LLC (owner), to reapportion the premises into (2) two separate parcels of land. Whereas, proposed lot # 52 does not have frontage on a street shown on the official City map as required per Section 43-33C. And parking within 5 ft. off property lines, Section 43-44B (5) (proposed 1 ft. +/- on lot #50), on premises known as 2 & 10 Scarsdale Road, Block: 4546 Lot 50 & 52, Zone: “I”.