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Monday, September 20, 2010

Legislation, Codes & Intergovernmental Committee Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 21st at 5pm

Legislation, Codes & Intergovernmental Committee Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 21st at 5pm, City Hall, 4th floor Room 406

Please click the following link to access Agenda Items & Documents. You can also access the Agenda through the “H” drive in Council Share folder under Legislation and Codes Committee. Backup to follow, also on “H” drive.

H:\Council Share\Legislation & Codes\Sept. 21, 2010

1. Local Law to amend Chapter 7, Article V to create sub-section ‘F’ entitled “Notice to the City Council Post Adoption”.

2. Resolution amending Section 47 “Outdoor signs” to include sign ordinances for mobile billboards and mobile billboard trucks as a proactive measure to insure quality of life for Yonkers residents and visitors.

3. Local Law amending Part VII (Nuisances, Public Welfare and Criminal) to City Code to insure building and property owners are held accountable for all activities within their property.

4. Resolution- approving Inter-Municipal Agreement between the City and Westchester County to formalize operational procedures for Mutual Aid and Rapid Response Plan.

5. Resolution- requesting the introduction and passage of State Legislation amending Section 35 of the NYS Civil Service Law to include employees performing executive functions.

6. General Ordinance- amending Chapter 43 of the City Code known as the COY Zoning Ordinance pertaining to definitions and uses.

7. Local law- amending Chapter 75 of the City Code entitled “Police” by adding a ‘new’ article ‘VI’ entitled “Public Nuisance Abatement”.