Please be advised that a Budget and Finance Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 8:15 PM (or immediately following Council Meeting) in Yonkers City Hall Council Chambers, 4th Floor.
The following items will be on the Agenda:
1. Review of First Quarter Overtime as it pertains to Police, Fire and DPW.
2. Update on Retirement Incentive and how many COY positions were refilled.
3. Status report on the release of funds from the Restore NY grant for the Philipse Manor Historic District.
4. Update on exactly what monies came to the City from the Stimulus Package and where funds have been allocated.
5. Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee.
We ask the Administration to please have the appropriate Commissioners/Departments Heads/Directors or their representatives attend the meeting so they can address issues relating to their departments.
We also request that this Budget and Finance Meeting be televised.