Please be advised there will be a meeting of the Legislation, Codes and Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 from 5 to 6:30pm in the City Council Conference Room #406.
Agenda items: (H:\Council Share\Legislation & Codes\Nov. 23, 2010)
1. Local Law to amend Chapter 7, Article V to create sub-section “F” entitled “Notice to the City Council Post Adoption”.
2. Local Law amending Section 47 “Outdoor signs” to include sign ordinances for mobile billboards trucks as a proactive measure to insure quality of life for Yonkers residents and visitors.
3. General Ordinance Chapter 110 COY Code aka as “Taxicabs “regarding license fees.
4. General Ordinance Chapter 111 COY Code aka as “Tow Trucks & Immobilization Devices” regarding license fees.
5. General Ordinance Chapter 112 COY Code aka as “School Buses & Drivers licensing fees.
6. Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee.
We respectfully request the Mayor to direct the appropriate Commissioners/Department Heads/staff to attend this Meeting and address the Council on the above issue as it pertains to their respective departments.
Community First! Development Coalition was established in April 2005 as a collaborative support network of Yonkers civic leaders, neighborhood associations and community groups from throughout the city facing common concerns about economic redevelopment. By sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other, Yonkers residents have begun to forge alliances around common interests that strengthen our ability to shape the future of our city.