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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Budget Committee Meeting 11/23/2010 8:15 PM

Budget Committee Meeting
Date: 11/23/2010 8:15 PM

Please be advised that a Budget and Finance Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 8:15 PM (or immediately following the Council Meeting) in Yonkers City Hall Council Chambers, 4th Floor.

The following items will be on the Agenda:

1. Items for Amended CIP (including the City match for East Coast Greenway along the Bronx River Parkway and Midland Avenue, Library, Board of Education, land for firehouse, fire and police equipment).

2 Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee.

We respectfully request that the Mayor direct the appropriate Commissioners/Department Heads/staff to attend this Budget & Finance Meeting and address the Council on issues pertaining to their respective departments.

We request that this Budget and Finance Meeting be televised.