Please be advised that a Budget and Finance Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Yonkers City Hall, 4th Floor.
The following items will be on the Agenda:
1. A discussion of the September 30, 2009 Capital Projects Status Report
2. A discussion of the Quarterly Report on Financial Accountability on the Operations Budget
3. The Audit presentation for 2009 fiscal year which was just done by Nick DeSantis.
4. Resolution – Home Rule Message – for the creation of an Administrative Adjudication Bureau in the City of Yonkers.
· Resolution – requesting the passage of state legislation to create a Bureau of Administrative Adjudication in the City of Yonkers.
5. A discussion of the City’s analysis of the state budget in prep for our upcoming trip to Albany.
6. A briefing of the YFT’s lawsuit against the BOE and what impact it might have on the City and its budget.
7. Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee.
We ask the Administration to please have the appropriate Commissioners/Departments Heads/Directors or their representatives attend the meeting so they can address issues relating to their departments.
Community First! Development Coalition was established in April 2005 as a collaborative support network of Yonkers civic leaders, neighborhood associations and community groups from throughout the city facing common concerns about economic redevelopment. By sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other, Yonkers residents have begun to forge alliances around common interests that strengthen our ability to shape the future of our city.